***UPDATE*** Given the impending weather and snow the CT Farm Energy Workshop scheduled for 02/06/2025 to be held at UConn Extension in Bethel will be virtual. Register to be sure to receive the link to join.***

Please click here to register for one of the upcoming 2025 CT Farm Energy Workshops.

  • February 6, 2025 10:30am-12pm Virtual (previously scheduled to be at the UCONN Extension Center in Fairfield County, 67 Stony Hill Rd, Bethel, Ct.
  • February 20,2025 2:30pm-4pm at the UCONN Extension Center in Litchfield County, 843 University Dr, Torrington, Ct.
  • February 27,2025 4pm-5:30pm at the UCONN Extension Center in Middlesex County, 1066 Saybrook Rd, Haddam, Ct.

Guest speakers will cover energy efficiency and renewable energy options for CT farms. Presentations will include a focus on State & Federal incentives such as Energize CT, USDA REAP, USDA EQIP, Utility Incentives, and more followed by Q&A. Learn how your farm can start saving money with energy upgrades and producing on-farm energy. The workshops will be in-person and free to attend. If you need any special accommodations, please contact Christian at christian@ctfarmenergy.org.