65 Main Project - Final Workshop

65 Main #12

Join us for the final public planning workshop for the 65 Main project on September 25th from 6-8PM at the Thompson Public Library or via Zoom. Haven't had the chance to participate monthly? This final meeting will provide you a great opportunity to learn about the results of the past year of workshops and next steps for the project, and offer your comments at the same time.

Over the last year, we have had monthly public meetings to discuss the needs of the agricultural business startup community and Town of Thompson residents, the principles of permaculture and their possible applications on the site, and integrating VoAg pathways and adults education. We've heard from local businesses on what they need to help Thompson's local economy succeed. At this final workshop, we'll be updating you on the planning game results, the permaculture park plans, and the project launching this semester at Tourtellotte Memorial High School. In addition, you will hear from each of the project partners on their work to day, as well as how they envision their participation moving forward. Last, but certainly not least, we'll be discussing the draft mission statement and potential names for the facility.

All are welcome. Send an RSVP email to planner@thompsonct.org to attend in person and/or receive the Zoom meeting link.