Rural Lands Rural Towns Conference + CTRC&D's 50th Anniversary Social
June 13, 2018
The Barn at Allen Hill Farm
Join us at Allen Hill Farm on June 13th for the 2nd Annual Rural Lands Rural Towns Conference, followed by CTRC&D's 50th Anniversary Wine & Cheese Social!
Rural Lands Rural Towns Conference: 2:30p - 5:30p
Registration: 2:00p - 2:30p
Working Forests: Southern New England Heritage Forest
Transportation Planning for Rural Economic Resilience and Tourism
Just Passing Through: First Impressions Matter
Municipal Economic Resilience: Agriculture Feeds the Economy
Rural Urban Connections: Air Line Trail & Opportunities for Economic Growth
*3 CM Credits through the American Planning Association
CTRC&D 50th Anniversary Wine & Cheese Social: 5:30p – 7:00p