Scholarship Opportunities - 2025 Application Period Now Open


(1) Norma O'Leary Agriculture Scholarship - $750 for a student pursuing a post-secondary technical or college career in agriculture

(1) Linda B. Krause Conservation Scholarship - $750 for a student pursuing a post-secondary technical school or college career in conservation


Program Guidelines & Priorities

  • Eligible students include graduating high school seniors pursuing a career in agriculture or conservation and technical or college students currently matriculated in a conservation or agriculture degree program in Connecticut. Applicants who are graduating high school seniors should demonstrate participation in after school activities related to agriculture or conservation.
  • Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.5, a total family annual income under $200,000, and plan to pursue a 2- or 4- year agriculture or conservation program at a post-secondary technical school, college, or university in Connecticut.
  • Applicants who are graduating high school seniors must have the endorsement of their Guidance Counselor on their application attesting they meet the eligibility requirements for this scholarship program.

Awards for Excellence in Agriculture and Conservation 

Linda B. Krause Award for Excellence in Conservation Collaboration

The CT RC&D Excellence in Conservation Collaboration Award is given in honor of Linda B. Krause, a longtime government leader, conservationist, environmentalist, and local and regional land use planner. Linda was a determined and artful advocate for collaboration between government officials, conservation organizations, and grassroots volunteers in Connecticut. Trained as a soil scientist, a professional planner, and facilitator, Linda worked to bring people together in pursuit of land use based on conservation, collaboration, knowledge, and cooperation between the community and the land that supports the community.


Norma O'Leary Award for Excellence in Agriculture Innovation

The CT RC&D Excellence in Agriculture Innovation Award is given in honor of Norma O’Leary, an active and dynamic longtime dairy farmer, tireless volunteer, friend, former CT RC&D Council Member, and champion of local agriculture in Connecticut. To list Norma’s long list of agricultural and conservation leadership roles would be impressive enough; past President of Connecticut Farm Bureau, Council Member of CT RC&D, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, Eastern Connecticut Conservation District, and founding member of Thompson Together. Her diligence in rallying support for initiatives that raise the profile of agriculture and make our communities more vibrant continues to be an inspiration. Norma was the inspiration and driving force behind the AGvocate Program, which has been responsible for the proliferation of local Agricultural Commissions across Connecticut. Beyond all of this, she remains the matriarch and the rock of Fort Hill Farms, one of the most prominent dairy farms in the state and a member of Cabot Cheese and the Farmer’s Cow.


2024 Scholarship & Award Recipients

  • Linda B. Krause Conservation Scholarship

    Rhiannon Martin

    Rhiannon attends Connecticut State University at Three Rivers and is pursuing a degree in Environmental Engineering. Rhiannon is passionate about learning how humans interface with the natural environment and hopes to work toward re-establishing migratory fish habitat and help monitor marine fisheries populations.

  • Norma O'Leary Agriculture Scholarship

    2024 - Jacqueline Tran of Waterford, CT

    Jacqueline is a Senior at Waterford High School and will be attending the University of Hartford to study biochemistry with a focus on agriculture. Jacqueline’s goals are to work on pollution, fertilization, water abundance, and climate.

  • Linda B. Krause Award for Excellence in Conservation Collaboration

    Dr. Randolph Steinen

    Retired Professor - UCONN Department of Geology

    Geologic Investigations & Core Repository Curator - CT DEEP - State Geological & Natural History Survey

    Randy Steinen has described geology as both his hobby and passion. He received his training at the University of California-Riverside and Brown University, where he earned his Ph.D. Randy worked as an exploration geologist at the Marathon Oil Company, and with the U.S. Geological Survey. He also taught at California State University-Fresno and at UCONN, retiring in 2002. Currently, Randy is a Retired Professor of Geology at the University of Connecticut and a volunteer with the Connecticut Geological and Natural History Survey.

  • Norma O'Leary Award for Excellence in Agriculture Innovation

    Jared McCool of Steadfast Farms, Bethlehem, CT

    CT RC&D has a long history of working with Jared over the years through our CT Farm Energy Program with installing Solar PV at the farm, the FarmUP/Veteran FarmUP programs which Jared inspired us to create and working closely with him to form the Connecticut Chapter of Farmer Veteran Coalition and continuing to do work in promotion of the CT Veteran Grown brand.

    In 2017, after an honorable discharge from the US Marine Corps, Jared embarked on a new mission: farming. Farming was not just a career change; it was a continuation of his service domestically, embodying the same values of dedication, resilience, and mission accomplishment that he learned in the military. Through farming, he continues to serve his community with the same dedication and sense of duty that defined military service, embodying the ethos of "Semper Fidelis" – always faithful.


Past Scholarship & Award Recipients

  • Linda B. Krause Award for Excellence in Conservation Collaboration

    2023 - Amy Bly Paterson and Aaron Lefland, Connecticut Land Conservation Council

    2019 - Laurie Giannotti, Trails and Greenways Program Coordinator for CT DEEP

    2018 - John Hall, Director of The Jonah Center

  • Linda B. Krause Conservation Scholarship

    2022 - Rachael Trowbridge of Hampton, CT

    2019 - Savannah Hoy of Lebanon, CT

  • Norma O'Leary Award for Excellence in Agriculture Innovation

    2023 - Keith Bishop, Bishop’s Orchards, Farm Market & Winery

  • Norma O'Leary Agriculture Scholarship

    2023 - Amy Wiknik of Higganum, CT

    2022 - Chase Young of Woodstock, CT

    2019 - Alyssa Hotchkiss of Colebrook, CT

  • CT RC&D Council Special Recognition Scholarship

    2022 - Julia Steuerwald of Middletown, CT

    2022 - Alyssa Hotchkiss of Colebrook, CT