CT Hemp Conference & Trade Show
February 26, 2020
Maneeley's Conference Center - South Windsor, CT
Over 270 attended Connecticut's first annual Hemp Conference and Trade Show!
On February 26, 2020, CT RC&D, along with planning partners USDA NRCS and UCONN Extension, brought together advocates, cultivators, and businesses interested in the emerging hemp industry. The conference covered healthy soils practices, local policy and regulations, Connecticut field trial results, as well as innovative production markets. This event provided valuable resources for local producers and farmers seeking connections in the state as well as knowledge about local issues and opportunities. This event was generously sponsored by the CT Department of Agriculture and CT Farm Bureau Association.
Schedule of Events:
- 8:45 AM – Welcome: Commissioner Bryan Hurlburt, CT Department of Agriculture; Bonnie Burr, UConn Extension, Tom Morgart, USDA NRCS; Jeanne Davies, CT RC&D; Don Tuller, CT Farm Bureau Association
- 9:00 AM – Soil Fertility Recommendations for Hemp Production: Dr. Jennifer Gilbert Jenkins, Morrisville State College
- 9:30 AM – Research Toward All Female and Sterile Hemp: Dr. Jessica Lubell-Brand, UConn
- 10:00 AM – Break
- 10:30 AM – No-Till Options for Hemp Production: Jon Anderson, KY Dept. of Fish & Wildlife Resources
- 11:00 AM – Comparing the Horticultural and Field Crop Models of CBD Production: Dr. Jennifer Gilbert Jenkins, Morrisville State College
- 11:30 AM – Pest Management: Chemicals Available and Under Consideration by EPA: Candace L. Bartholomew, UConn Extension
- NOON – Lunch
- 1:00 PM – Findings from 2019 Hemp Field Trial in Connecticut: Dr. Walter Krol & Terri Arsenault, CT Agricultural Experiment Station
- 1:30 PM – Looking Under the Hood of the Cannabis Plant: Molecular Studies of How to Increase End-Product (CBD and THC) Cannabinoid Synthesis in Female Flowers: Dr. Gerald Berkowitz, UConn
- 1:45 PM – Markets/Processors for Harvested Hemp: David Levine MD, CT Valley Hemp Drying & Extraction and Michael Lupario, Western MA Hemp
- 2:15 PM – Growers Panel: Colin Decker, Owen Jarmoc, Dr. Becky Goetsch, and Michael Goodenough
- 3:00 PM – Break
- 3:15 PM – Cannabinoids Testing (CBD & THC): Chris Perkins, UConn
- 3:45 PM – Hemp Manufacturing - Consumables: Attorney Michael Ando, CT Dept. of Consumer Protection
- 4:05 PM – Hemp Regulation: Carole Briggs & Kate Nelson, CT Dept. of Agriculture
- 4:30 PM – Social Hour

Additional resources and speaker presentations from the conference can be found at: