Personal Reflection: Ana
Being apart of the Groundbreakers Team was truly a ground-breaking experience. I have been able to learn some new ideas and philosophy that I can use while I am in school, at work, or in the future, such as sustainability. I have had the lucky chance of meeting individuals who have worked in the field and learned about what they do and why they are passionate about it. Not only have I learned about soil science, I have learned about necessary skills such as writing a resume/cover letter, other writing skills, and how to communicate with professionals. We have also got to help the community, an important value, by donating lettuce plants and vermicomposting systems. With out this experience I am not sure if I would have found what I am passionate about, ecology, or would have gotten a critical jumpstart into my career/future. Also I have learned about current environmental issues that I had no clue about before the internship, that I want to help with and make change. Being a part of the Groundbreakers was one of the best things I could have done for my education, my career, and my future.