Soil Health Initiative
A long running program to promote education and practice through hands-on demonstrations and field exercises on rolling cover crops, soil pit investigation, and rainfall simulation on healthy and not-so healthy soils. Healthy soils, rich in organic matter, drain better, have greater disease resistance, and better water holding capacity in times of drought.
CT RC&D hosts workshops, educational events, and pilot programs in partnership with USDA NRCS staff, who provide valued expertise and instruction to attendees. Events are held around the state, typically on working farms and are highly attended by agricultural producers, non-profit, federal, and university staff.
Join our mailing list, and learn about upcoming events and opportunities.
CT Compost Tours

Calling All Composters!
CT Compost Alliance presents the 2025 Compost Tours showcasing various scales of compost operations on Thursday, March 27th from 4-6pm at Long Table Farm in Old Lyme, CT. For more information and free registration, click here.
Let It Grow: Cover Crop Challenge

Improve your farm's soil health by joining the Cover Crop Challenge. We are offering technical assistance, crop cover seed and a soil test by UConn for farmers interested in improving their soil health. First come, first served and limited avilability. Click here to sign up.
Previous Events
BCS Tractor Training & Compost Tea Making

Agroforestry & Soil Health Field Day

Soil Steaming Demonstration

2024 CT Compost Conference
Cover Crop Challenge

On-Farm Field Day

Urban AG Conservation Tour

Soil Health & Conservation Farm Equipment

2023 Climate Smart Agriculture
2022 Connecticut Hemp Fest

2022 Connecticut Compost Alliance Events
Cover Crop Challenge: "Let it Grow"
A Conversation about the benefits of growing cover crops to their full potential
Is your Farm in Northwest CT? Are you interested in hearing more about the Cover Crop Challenge (2021) conversation? Click Below to learn more.
Virtual Farm Field Day with Adamah Farm
Unable to join the webinar? No problem, you can watch the recording here:

2021 Connecticut Hemp Webinar
Soil Health Workshops: 2020 Connecticut Compost Webinar Series

February 26, 2020 Connecticut Hemp Conference
Over 270 attended Connecticut's first annual Hemp Conference and Trade Show!
On February 26, 2020, CT RC&D, along with planning partners USDA NRCS and UCONN Extension, brought together advocates, cultivators, and businesses interested in the emerging hemp industry. The conference covered healthy soils practices, local policy and regulations, Connecticut field trial results, as well as innovative production markets. This event provided valuable resources for local producers and farmers seeking connections in the state as well as knowledge about local issues and opportunities. This event was generously sponsored by the CT Department of Agriculture and CT Farm Bureau Association.
August 14, 2019 Workshop: Silvopasture & Agroforestry 101
Joe Orefice, Hidden Blossom Farm
Jeff Jourdain, Consulting Forester
Bill Purcell, USDA NRCS CT
Andrea Urbano, CT DEEP Forestry
Want to learn more?
As part of the workshop, we have developed a resource guide for Silvopasture and Agroforesty. This includes helpful links and contacts.
August 9, 2018 Workshop: Healthy Soils = Profitable Soils
Soil Health Workshop Speakers & Presentations
"Your ration is as good as your forage: outside the box to improve forage quality" - Tom Kilcer, Advanced AG Systems
"Double cropping: making money on both ends of the season" - Tom Kilcer, Advanced AG Systems
"Hybrid trials & nitrogen rates on high manure corn fields" - Johnny Hoffman, Oakridge Dairy
April 26, 2018 Workshop: Organic Soils = Healthy Soils
Soil Health Workshop Speakers & Presentations
"Cover Crop Systems at Sub Edge Farm" - Rodger Phillips, Sub Edge Farm
"Introduction to Permaculture" - Cynthia Rabinowitz, NW Conservation District
"No Till Production" - Julie Rawson & Jack Kittredge, Many Hands Organic Farm
"The Importance of Compost & Compost Tea in Soil Health" - Leighton Morrison, Kingdom Aquaponics, LLC
"Integrating Pollinator Habitat Into Your Farm" - Kimberly Stoner, CT Ag Experiment Station