The Air Line State Park Trail Regional Organization
With funding from CT DEEP Recreation Trails Grant program, CT RC&D is working to improve the communication network and coordination between the twelve towns of the Air Line State Park Trail region, as well as with stakeholder groups, trail committees, and neighboring trail area by formalizing the existance of a ALSPT Regional Organization.
The primary goals of this project are to:
- Unite the twelve towns of the Air Line State Park Trail region to support ongoing communication and networking .
- Provide for collaboration toward planning for coordinated maintenance, scheduled improvements, and planning for funding.
- Lead efforts to coordinate the Regional Organization with CT DEEP to update policies, identify new initiatives, discuss mutual aid agreements, and support CT DEEP staff on the trail.
- Provide support to CT DEEP for ongoing planning and municipal contributions toward maintenance, improvements, marketing and outreach to the trail users.
- Sponsor events along the ALSPT to promote diversity and inclusion on the trail with stakeholders and partner organizations.

The Air Line State Park Trail Master Plan
Upcoming Regional Meetings
Monday, May 20th, 2024 from 3:00PM - 5:00PM
Click to read by section below.
- Executive Summary
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Needs Analysis
- Chapter 3: Air Line State Park Trail Region Conservation
- Chapter 4: Infrastructure
- Chapter 5: Land Use and Zoning Guidance
- Chapter 6: Economics of the Trail
- Chapter 7: Marketing and Branding
- Chapter 8: Wayfinding and Signage
- Chapter 9: Leadership and Implementation
Master Plan Project Background
The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection has awarded funds through their Recreational Trails program for an Air Line State Park Trail Master Plan. The $188,522 grant was used to carry out CT RC&D's proposal of the Twelve Town Air Line State Park Trail Master Plan.
CT RC&D's Environmental Review Team Program (CT ERT) is also providing $30,000 in ERT funds as a match toward this grant.
The Master Plan evaluates the economic significance and value of the Air Line Trail, which was formerly the Air Line Railroad dating back to the 1870s. Today, the Air Line State Park Trail is public property and is used for biking, walking, hiking, and horseback riding. The Master Plan was developed in collaboration with a task force made up of representatives from the Towns of Portland, East Hampton, Colchester, Hampton, Hebron, Columbia, Chaplin, Lebanon, Windham, Pomfret, Putnam, and Thompson.
The Master Plan encompasses over 50 miles of the Air Line Trail and properties adjacent to the trail, including town centers, state and town parks, and forests located within the twelve towns, eight regional watershed basins, four Council of Government regions, and the Last Green Valley region.
This project was funded by the CT DEEP Recreational Trails Program.
Master Plan Project Commitees
The objective of the 12 Town Air Line State Park regional planning process was to engage stakeholders from the twelve towns, partner organizations within the region and influence corridors to build a 12 Town Air Line State Park Trail Regional Master Plan. Ideas and concepts toward regional success and implementation can be found in the voices and insights of these talented individuals who are contributing their time to represent their towns, their organizations or their personal enthusiasm for the trail. Their contributions work to enhance amenity assets that support the trail, engage visitors and trail usage as well as promote the economic synergy between the towns, local businesses and the Air Line State Park Trail. The plan is divided into six core chapters with working committees to support the writing and final recommendations in those chapters.
Master Plan Stakeholder Committee Members
Sam Alexander, SECCOG
Robert Aloise, CRCOG
Ken Beausoleil, Thompson
Jim Bellano, Windham
John Bolduc, BikeWalk Bolton
Janet Booth, Wyndham Land Trust
Matt Bordeaux, Colchester
Willie Bousquet, Putnam
Kim Bradley, CT Trails Census
Jane Brawerman, CRCCD
Elizabeth Brown, National Park Service
David Brown, Middlesex Land Trust
Laura Brown, UConn
Lois Bruinooge, TLGV
Craig Bryant, Hebron
David Buckley, CTDEEP
Margot Burns, RiverCOG
Rich Cahill, Hampton
Joe Cassone, CTDEEP
Phil Chester, Lebanon
Michael Cipriano. CRCOG
James Cordier, Hebron
Kevin Cwikla, Lebanon
Mike D'Amato, Tyche Planning
Scott Dawley, CTDEEP
Jeremy DeCarli, East Hampton
Mary Dickerson, Portland
Bruce Donald, East Coast Greenways
Karen Durlach, Thompson
Chris Elkinson, Thompson
Delia Fey, Putnam
Bruce Fitzback, Putnam
Nick Gardner, Pomfret
Laurie Giannotti, CTDEEP
Jay Gigliotti, Colchester & Chaplin
LyAnn Graff, TLGV
John Guszkowski, Tyche Planning
Jeremy Hall, East Hampton
John Hankins, Bike Walk Bolton
Rob Haramut, RiverCOG
Brian Hess, CTDEEP
Sarah Heminway, CT Audubon
Brian Holdt, Airline Cycles
Dean Hunniford, Lebanon
Jennifer Kaufman, Mansfield
Amanda Kennedy, SECCOG
Ann Kilpatrick, CTDEEP
Michael Lambert, CTDEEP
Jim Larkin, NECCOG
Stan Malcolm, ALSPT Photographer
Tim Malone, CRCOG
Christopher Martin, CTDEEP
Scott Moorehead, Putnam Trail Committee
Dan Mullins, ECConservation District
Maureen Nicholson, Portland
Charlie Obert, Thompson
Brian O'Connell, Hebron
Sylvia Ounpuu, BikeWalk Bolton
Patrick Gallagher, Hebron
Amy Patterson, CLCC
Louis Pear, Portland
Tyra Penn, Thompson
Nathan Piche, CTDEEP
Jean Pillo, EC Conservation District
Paul Provost, Thompson
Matthew Quinn, CTDEEP
Kate Rattan, SECCOG
Jim Rivers, Windham
Sari Rizzo, Portland
Elaine Sistare, Putnam
Rob Smith, East Haddam Land Trust
Steve Sokoloski, At Large Trail Enthusiast
Marsha Sokoloski, At Large Trail Enthusiast
Paula Stahl, Columbia
Stephanie Stroud, National Park Service
Charlie Tracy, Pomfret
Tom Tyler, CTDEEP
Delpha Very, Putnam
Mark Walter, Columbia
Emily Wilson, UConn
Brian Wilson, CTDEEP
Pat Young, Salmon River- Eight Mile
Li Yukshan, Windham
Anne Zitkus, Hebron
Frank Zitkus, Hebron Emeritus Staff & Members
Emeritus Staff & Members Andrea Peres, Outreach Coordinator Mike O'Leary, Hebron Town Planner
Project Manager: Jeanne Davies
Assistant Planner: Chris Roberts
Webpage – Social Media Marketing - Newsletter: Hannah Hurwitz